Elected PCs
How to Become a PC
Under Arizona law, a Precinct Committeeperson can be an Elected or Appointed position.
About PCs
Number of PCs: Each Precinct is allotted one PC plus one for each 125 registered Democrats in that Precinct on January 1 of an election year.
Elected PCs are elected every two years as part of the August primary election process. They take office following the November election, and serve a term of 2 years. Only Elected PCs may vote or be elected at the County Party's Reorganization (election of new officers) Meeting in December, 2022. For every three Elected PCs, the County Party PCs elect one State Committeeperson to represent Gila County Democrats at the State Party Meetings.
Appointed PCs are added to the PC roster at any time to fill empty slots after the elections. They are recommended by the Gila County Democratic Party to the County Board of Supervisors, which appoints the individual after verifying voter registration and Precinct residency. An Appointed PC's term of office also ends after the next General Election. Appointed PCs may serve in all capacities available to elected PCs except they cannot vote in officer and state committee elections nor run for party office at the biennial reorganization meeting.
To become an Appointed PC, fill out the PC Application form, and return it the County Chair. PC Application Form
Becoming an Elected PC 2024-2025
Per the Gila County Elections Department https://www.gilacountyaz.gov/government/elections/campaign_finance_and_candidate_information.phpThere are two ways to become an Elected PC:
- Write-In Candidate (no signatures)
Elected PCs may also nominate themselves as Write-in candidates after April 4. A person who desires to run as a write-in candidate is not required to collect signatures on a candidate Nomination Petition. However, any person desiring to become a write-in candidate for an elective office shall file a Write-In Nomination Paper. Write-in candidates for precinct committeeman, must file a Write-In Nomination Paper in the Gila County Elections Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 18, 2022.
To become an Elected PC as a Write-In Candidate:
File the following document between March 11, 2024 and April 8, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.
Download the form here:
Documents may be filed with the Gila County Democratic Party (preferred), or the Gila County Department of Elections.
Drop off at the Gila Dems Payson Office by Wed., May 11.
110 E Bonita St
Payson, AZ 85541
the Gila County Department of Elections:
5515 S Apache Ave, Suite 900
Globe, AZ 85501
(928) 402-8709 or 8708 or 1-800-425-5095
Filing may be done by mail or in person. Documents will be considered filed on the date received in the elections office. Mail early in the event of delivery delays.
- Nomination, with Signatures
Candidates must complete an Affidavit for Nomination and collect signatures from Democrats in their Precinct. Note: The election process for PCs serving in the 2020-2022 cycle is complete. Signatures for the 2022-2024 election cycle are due April 4, 2022 at 5 pm.
Instructions for becoming an Elected PC via Nomination are below.
Elected Precinct Committeeman
a. File the following documents between March 7, 2022 and April 4, 2022, at 5:00 p.m.
Download the forms here:
b. Documents may be filed with the Gila County Democratic Party (preferred), or the Gila County Department of Elections.
Drop off at the Gila Dems Payson Office by Tues., Mar 29.
110 E Bonita St
Payson, AZ 85541
the Gila County Department of Elections:
5515 S Apache Ave, Suite 900
Globe, AZ 85501
(928) 402-8709 or 8708 or 1-800-425-5095
Filing may be done by mail or in person. Documents will be considered filed on the date received in the elections office. Mail early in the event of delivery delays.
Filing will not be accepted by fax or postmark.
Partial filing will not be accepted.
c. Nomination Petitions: The candidate must file at least the minimum and no more than the maximum number of signatures required for the office. (See Signature Requirements below). If there are too few signatures, the filing will not be accepted. A petition does not have to contain more than 10 signatures. The Candidate may sign his/her own petition. All signors must be registered Democrats or Indpendents, and must reside in the Candidate's precinct. Documents must be printed on 8 1/2" x 11" paper. The Nomination Petition must be printed on both sides.
(See Sample Petition below).
d. Before Filing the Petitions - Check the Following:
The circulator portion on the back side is completed and signed. Notarization is not required.
The elector signature lines on the front side of each petition are complete.
e. Partisan Nomination Paper: Make sure to answer every question and fill in every blank.
Insert the candidate’s name exactly how it is to appear on the ballot. (See Sample Partisan Nomination Paper below).
The candidate’s last name appears first, then the first name. A middle or nickname is optional.
Nicknames are permissible as long as they do not suggest a title.
The candidate must sign the form